Get ready for a wild ride through a dystopian wasteland where chaos reigns, rebellion thrives, and the beats of rebellion echo in the air.
This animated gem didn't just materialize – it was crafted from scratch, a testament to our commitment to honing our generalist skills. 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, rigging, animation, and compositing – we dived headfirst into a multi-disciplinary frenzy.
Creating the narrative was an adventure in itself. We started with a blank canvas, weaving a tale of rebellion and mischief in a world gone awAy. The journey was marked by experimentation, concept art, and mood-defining challenges.
Join us as we unravel the making of DISORDER, where rebellion meets creativity. This is more than a short film: a rebellious symphony of artistry, innovation, and a dash of sheer anarchy. Get ready to venture into the chaos; this is an experience you won't soon forget!